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Don't do the following on behalf of donors and fundraisers

A reminder about two things that our platform is not designed to allow for.

Before you get started

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Before you get started

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Before you get started

Video Overview


Before You Get Started

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The Give Lively fundraising platform serves a broad base in the nonprofit community. To ensure privacy and security for all users — nonprofits, fundraisers and donors — we prioritize data protection and managed platform access.

With that in mind, here are two things that our platform is not designed to allow for:

Nonprofits making donations on behalf of donors

It is unsafe, and not compliant with payment processor rules, for nonprofits to record donors' payment details, even if only for a short time, to process a donation for them. Donors should always be reminded not to share their private financial details with anyone. Our donation forms are designed for ease of use so that donors can make contributions securely, directly and on their own.

That said, if donations are being made on a shared computer or device that does not belong to the donor (like, for example, a tablet at an event), you must follow these practices:

  • Log out of the Give Lively system before doing anything. If you’re logged in to an account at the time of a donation, the donation data will be attached to that account, not to the person identified through the donation form.
  • Do not “create account” or “securely save your card for next time.” You may need to unselect "securely save your card for next time" if it’s checked and you should ignore the "create account" option when it appears. 
  • Be certain to thoroughly destroy donors’ personal and account information -- shredding paper and fully deleting emails, texts or any other form of electronic message that contains these details. 

Nonprofits building Peer-to-Peer Fundraising pages for donors

At present, each individual fundraising account is associated with a unique email address. One email address cannot be assigned to more than one account and vice versa. Additionally, for security purposes, every email address in our system must be confirmed through a verification email sent to that email address. 

Given this, you are not able to set up more than one individual Peer-to-Peer Fundraising page with your own email address.

However, if prospective fundraisers are truly unable to manage the page-creation process directly and you must intercede on their behalf, please remember the following:

  • Log out of the Give Lively system before doing anything. If you’re logged in to an account when a fundraising page is created, the page will be attached to that account, not the person named on the page.
  • Create the new fundraising account using the fundraiser’s email address, not your own.
  • At the time of fundraising account creation, it is best to be in immediate contact with the fundraiser or someone who has access to the fundraiser’s email. This person will need to look for a confirmation email and act on it right away. Otherwise, access to the new fundraising page is not possible.
  • Use a strong password for the new account and relay it via secure means (voice is best) to the account holder. 
  • Be certain to thoroughly destroy fundraisers’ personal and account information -- shredding paper and fully deleting emails, texts or any other form of electronic message that contains these details. If it must be retained, store it in a very secure way.


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