
Primary palette

Give Lively’s dominant color palette is calming and minimalist. It is used across all mediums to ensure brand consistency.

Give Lively Blue

RGB 12, 161, 179
CMYK 78, 17, 28, 0



Give Lively Blue

RGB 12, 161, 179
CMYK 78, 17, 28, 0

Charcoal Gray

RGB 74, 74, 74
CMYK 66, 59, 57, 39

Pure White

RGB 255, 255, 255
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 0

Secondary palette

The secondary palette is lively and upbeat. It adds positive energy and joy to the Give Lively visual brand. The colors are inspired by nature, just like our logomark.

They should be applied sparingly as accents in text-heavy contexts such as web pages or business documents. They can also be incorporated into imagery such as illustrations, icons and graphics for social media announcements, emails, campaigns, promotions etc.

Pale Green

RGB 234, 245, 241
CMYK 7, 0, 5, 0

Midnight Green

#HEX 164046
RGB 22, 64, 70
CMYK 89, 58, 57, 45

Accessibility Green

#HEX 137582
RGB 19, 117, 130
CMYK 44, 5, 0, 49

Purpose Green

RGB 22, 64, 70
CMYK 89, 58, 57, 45

Lively Green

RGB 135, 237, 198
CMYK 41, 0, 33, 0

Power Pink

#HEX F08A96
RGB 240, 138, 150
CMYK 1, 57, 25, 0

Bold Orange

#HEX F2853A
RGB 242, 133, 58
CMYK 1, 58, 87, 0


#HEX F9C727
RGB 249, 199, 39
CMYK 2, 21, 94, 0

Light Yellow

RGB 244, 221, 56
CMYK 6, 7, 89, 0

Tonal colors

The tonal colors displayed along the bottom of each color swatch above bring even more diversity to the Give Lively color palette. In illustrations, lighter tints as background colors help with contrast and darker shades create shading. The tonal colors above are suggestions; other tones may be generated as long as the hue remains rooted in the Give Lively color palette.

Reference different tonal color use cases here: