How can we help you?

Frequently asked questions

System & integrations

Add Venmo as a payment method

Learn how nonprofit governance and delinquency laws might affect access to the Give Lively platform

Confirm internet access and strength at an event venue

Explore the expanded view of on-screen data reports

Ask custom questions on donation payment forms

Learn how to generate a QR Code for your fundraising page

Edit GivingTuesday Canva templates

Review the Zapier integration's Zap triggers and templates

Use Text-to-Donate and Live Display at events: our ultimate guide

Get started with Give Lively’s Zapier integration

Use Zapier for third-party integrations

Understand Zapier’s JSON endpoints

Get started with Give Lively’s free Salesforce integration

Understand the special check for multiple months of Giving Basket donations

Learn about ACH/bank payments via Stripe Financial Connections

Understand the statuses associated with donor payment disputes

Learn about payment disputes and how to manage them

Learn how to use the new Line Items (All) report

Map Salesforce fields to Line Items (All) CSV columns

Explore the donor data available for member nonprofits

Access the (new) Nonprofit Admin Portal

Map downloadable CSV donor data columns to Line Items (All) report

Deactivate your Give Lively account and membership

Understand Give Lively's different generations of payment forms

Prepare for GivingTuesday with our step-by-step guide, the GivingTuesday Toolkit

Understand how donors can cover third-party transaction fees

Learn how Stripe processes and displays tips to Give Lively

Learn about optional, voluntary donor tips

Configure campaign mapping in Give Lively's Salesforce integration

Make the most of employer matching gifts: our ultimate guide

Use Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP) Recurring Donations in Give Lively’s Salesforce app

Test a Salesforce integration

Exempt Give Lively data syncing from Salesforce validation rules

Send a customized thank-you message to donors and ticket purchasers

Understand how Give Lively uses UTC for donation receipt times and dates

Assign general accounting units (GAUs) to Give Lively donations automatically

Don't do the following on behalf of donors and fundraisers

Understand Charity Navigator’s Giving Basket donations and data reports

Enable campaign hierarchy in Give Lively’s Salesforce integration

View a walkthrough of a Team Fundraising page

Use UTM codes to track fundraising campaigns

Use merge tags to personalize automated "thank you" emails to donors

Use Give Lively technology to fundraise during virtual events

Use embeddable widgets to collect donations on your website

Use a “Donate” button on Facebook

Understand which browsers work best with Give Lively fundraising pages

Understand what donor data Give Lively captures and where

Understand what a Text-to-Donate short code is

Understand the third-party fees on donations through Give Lively

Understand how a fiscal sponsor and sponsored organizations can use Give Lively technology

Troubleshoot the Nonprofit Admin Portal

Troubleshoot donations made via ACH/direct debit

Troubleshoot donation form errors

Trigger a test donation on a Give Lively page

Make the most of Text-to-Donate: our ultimate guide

Test a Salesforce integration (for Salesforce consultants)

Set up your Core Profile

Set up the Peer-to-Peer Leaderboard

Set up Text-to-Donate

Set up Team Fundraising

Set up notifications for every donation

Set up Live Display

Set up and use Peer-to-Peer Fundraising

Set or modify a goal for a Campaign Page

See our Salesforce integration logic and fields

Prepare for Salesforce integration set-up

Understand the “Fundraising pages disabled” warning messages

Protect against credit card testing

Create successful Peer-Based Fundraising campaigns: our ultimate guide

Review our new member welcome guide

Give Lively 101: A crash course

Link to any fundraising/event page from call-to-action button on website

Learn our minimum and maximum transaction amounts

Learn how strongly we believe in data privacy and security

Learn how donation disbursement works

Learn about the User Portal

Learn about Plaid

Learn about livestreaming virtual events

Issue a full or partial refund for a donation

Integrate with Double the Donation

Integrate our platform with Salesforce

Integrate our platform with PayPal, or disconnect from it

Install or upgrade the Give Lively for Salesforce application

Host amazing virtual fundraising events: our ultimate guide

Grasp the difference between the Core Profile and Campaign Pages

Grant Salesforce login access to Give Lively support

View and configure settings for Give Lively's Salesforce integration

Find links to fundraising Campaign Pages

Export donor data from Stripe

Exempt Give Lively data syncing from Salesforce duplicate rules

Ensure fundraising page social sharing image appears on Facebook

Learn the enhancements included in Give Lively’s Salesforce app

Enable and disable digital wallets

Download donor data from Nonprofit Admin Portal

Download contact information for peer-to-peer supporters

Design successful Campaign Pages: our ultimate guide

Create discounted or free/complimentary event tickets

Create, activate and manage a Stripe account (required to use Give Lively tech)

Contact our customer support team

Connect Give Lively to Salesforce with a different user

Payment management

Understand the third-party fees on donations through Give Lively

Integrate our platform with PayPal, or disconnect from it

Enable and disable digital wallets

Create, activate and manage a Stripe account (required to use Give Lively tech)

Data & analytics

Add Venmo as a payment method

Learn how nonprofit governance and delinquency laws might affect access to the Give Lively platform

Confirm internet access and strength at an event venue

Explore the expanded view of on-screen data reports

Ask custom questions on donation payment forms

Learn how to generate a QR Code for your fundraising page

Edit GivingTuesday Canva templates

Review the Zapier integration's Zap triggers and templates

Use Text-to-Donate and Live Display at events: our ultimate guide

Get started with Give Lively’s Zapier integration

Use Zapier for third-party integrations

Understand Zapier’s JSON endpoints

Get started with Give Lively’s free Salesforce integration

Understand the special check for multiple months of Giving Basket donations

Learn about ACH/bank payments via Stripe Financial Connections

Understand the statuses associated with donor payment disputes

Learn about payment disputes and how to manage them

Learn how to use the new Line Items (All) report

Map Salesforce fields to Line Items (All) CSV columns

Explore the donor data available for member nonprofits

Access the (new) Nonprofit Admin Portal

Map downloadable CSV donor data columns to Line Items (All) report

Deactivate your Give Lively account and membership

Understand Give Lively's different generations of payment forms

Prepare for GivingTuesday with our step-by-step guide, the GivingTuesday Toolkit

Understand how donors can cover third-party transaction fees

Learn how Stripe processes and displays tips to Give Lively

Learn about optional, voluntary donor tips

Configure campaign mapping in Give Lively's Salesforce integration

Make the most of employer matching gifts: our ultimate guide

Use Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP) Recurring Donations in Give Lively’s Salesforce app

Test a Salesforce integration

Exempt Give Lively data syncing from Salesforce validation rules

Send a customized thank-you message to donors and ticket purchasers

Understand how Give Lively uses UTC for donation receipt times and dates

Assign general accounting units (GAUs) to Give Lively donations automatically

Don't do the following on behalf of donors and fundraisers

Understand Charity Navigator’s Giving Basket donations and data reports

Enable campaign hierarchy in Give Lively’s Salesforce integration

View a walkthrough of a Team Fundraising page

Use UTM codes to track fundraising campaigns

Use merge tags to personalize automated "thank you" emails to donors

Use Give Lively technology to fundraise during virtual events

Use embeddable widgets to collect donations on your website

Use a “Donate” button on Facebook

Understand which browsers work best with Give Lively fundraising pages

Understand what donor data Give Lively captures and where

Understand what a Text-to-Donate short code is

Understand the third-party fees on donations through Give Lively

Understand how a fiscal sponsor and sponsored organizations can use Give Lively technology

Troubleshoot the Nonprofit Admin Portal

Troubleshoot donations made via ACH/direct debit

Troubleshoot donation form errors

Trigger a test donation on a Give Lively page

Make the most of Text-to-Donate: our ultimate guide

Test a Salesforce integration (for Salesforce consultants)

Set up your Core Profile

Set up the Peer-to-Peer Leaderboard

Set up Text-to-Donate

Set up Team Fundraising

Set up notifications for every donation

Set up Live Display

Set up and use Peer-to-Peer Fundraising

Set or modify a goal for a Campaign Page

See our Salesforce integration logic and fields

Prepare for Salesforce integration set-up

Understand the “Fundraising pages disabled” warning messages

Protect against credit card testing

Create successful Peer-Based Fundraising campaigns: our ultimate guide

Review our new member welcome guide

Give Lively 101: A crash course

Link to any fundraising/event page from call-to-action button on website

Learn our minimum and maximum transaction amounts

Learn how strongly we believe in data privacy and security

Learn how donation disbursement works

Learn about the User Portal

Learn about Plaid

Learn about livestreaming virtual events

Issue a full or partial refund for a donation

Integrate with Double the Donation

Integrate our platform with Salesforce

Integrate our platform with PayPal, or disconnect from it

Install or upgrade the Give Lively for Salesforce application

Host amazing virtual fundraising events: our ultimate guide

Grasp the difference between the Core Profile and Campaign Pages

Grant Salesforce login access to Give Lively support

View and configure settings for Give Lively's Salesforce integration

Find links to fundraising Campaign Pages

Export donor data from Stripe

Exempt Give Lively data syncing from Salesforce duplicate rules

Ensure fundraising page social sharing image appears on Facebook

Learn the enhancements included in Give Lively’s Salesforce app

Enable and disable digital wallets

Download donor data from Nonprofit Admin Portal

Download contact information for peer-to-peer supporters

Design successful Campaign Pages: our ultimate guide

Create discounted or free/complimentary event tickets

Create, activate and manage a Stripe account (required to use Give Lively tech)

Contact our customer support team

Connect Give Lively to Salesforce with a different user