Get down with our Updates page

There’s a lot happening under the hood of any quality car with a finely tuned motor. So it is with Give Lively. Our dedicated team of advocates and technologists is elbow-deep in Give Lively machinery, collaborating with nonprofits to add value to and refine our free fundraising products and solutions.
And now, in the interest of improved transparency and information exchange, we’ve launched an Updates page, an easy way for you to learn about our latest doings.
Check out our Updates page!
Everything Give Lively
On our main Updates page (click “Explore more updates” in the upper left-hand corner of this article), the blog features everything Give Lively, including an incredible community of member nonprofits.
You'll find posts about:
- developments in Give Lively’s world
- new features of and improvements to our platform
- member nonprofits and how some of them are fundraising
- Give Lively employees and partners
- site maintenance and major incidents
- beta testing opportunities
- …and more.
An information clearinghouse
In addition to the latest information, the Updates page will also always help you navigate from the right-hand sidebar on each page to other resources, such as:
- our product roadmap – so you can see what’s coming and share thoughts about what’s current
- our changelog – so you can understand what’s new
- our platform status – for real-time and historical data on system performance
- a direct way to book a platform demo
- a quick link to our Instagram account
- links to recent and related updates
- and more to come.
We’re confident that this information will prove useful to you. We look forward to lifting the hood on Give Lively’s engine and we hope you will make the most of both the information that we share and the opportunities for reaction and feedback.
Be the first to know
The fastest way to learn about our latest news is to subscribe to our Updates mailing list. Use the "Get email updates from Give Lively" banner directly below. Each time we publish something new, you’ll get a short email alert with a link to the new post.
Once you're subscribed, you will receive a confirmation email reminding you about access to our Email Preferences page through which you can customize your email communication experience with Give Lively.