Special Halloween-only subsidiary launched to support monster nonprofits

Give Lively is fiendishly pleased with the launch of a new specialized subsidiary.
Tasked with supporting the once-a-year, three-day fundraising efforts of very niche nonprofits, Grieve Loudly will operate only from October 31st to November 2nd to facilitate the work of organizations offering services to legendary malevolent creatures – ghouls, goblins, ghosts, ogres, vampires, werewolves, mummies, witches, skeletons and the dis-like.
In keeping with the unique audience, Give Lively has rebranded its Grieve Loudly products:
- Gore Profile – the beating heart (think “bloody viscera”) of every nonprofit's Grieve Loudly dismembership
- Come-pain Pages – the primary tool used by members to extract a devotional pound of flesh from minions
- Moan-ation Witch-ets – simple-to-entomb apps that bewitch donors into giving directly on a member’s cobwebsite
- Hex-to-Donate – a curse-first method of conjuring contributions from fleeing donors
- Deviant Ticketing – a means of ensnaring tribute from the morbidly curious
- Lice Display – a way to track and show how much blood (money) your swarm has sucked (raised)
- Peer-to-Fear Fundraising – when a member’s most horrifying apologists scare up funds on its behalf
- Scream Fundraising – piercingly loud, collective appeals through peer-to-fear teams
- Cheaterboard – a ranked view of a member’s “leading” fundraisers
Did we miss your organization when we reached out directly to advise of the new service? Are you in need of targeted Grieve Loudly products? Join the likes of Every Mummy Counts, WereCare Cubs of America and the Suckya Blood Bank! Send a psionic message to our standby mystics in customer support.
(Happy Halloween, All-Saints Day and Day of the Dead from all of us at Give Lively. Mwahahahaha!)