How much of my donation does a nonprofit receive?
Give Lively does not charge for the use of our powerful and practical technology -- no annual fees, no setup fees, no other fees or hidden fees.
Nor do we take any funds out of donations, except for standard fees charged by the independent, third-party services, called payment processors (Stripe and PayPal), we use to securely manage all financial transactions. This is unlike many other fundraising platforms that charge their own fees (sometimes 8% or more) on top of the bank or credit card transaction fees. At Give Lively, we are pleased to be able to pass along 100% of your donation, minus payment processor fees, to the nonprofits you designate.
We also accept voluntary contributions (not tax-deductible) to Give Lively from donors, though these are not fees, are entirely voluntary and have no effect on the final donation amount the nonprofit receives. Learn more about voluntary contributions to Give Lively.
To learn more about the third-party processing fees, please see our transaction fees & donation disbursement page.