Explore the expanded view of on-screen data reports
Become familiar with the expanded view of on-screen data reports.
Before you get started
Video Overview
Before you get started
Video Overview
Before you get started
Video Overview
Before You Get Started
Video Overview
Nonprofits that receive donations via Give Lively technology – both Give Lively member nonprofits and other nonprofits that get donations via Charity Navigator’s Giving Basket – have access to on-screen data reports powered by Give Lively. These reports share key information about each donation a nonprofit receives. However, Give Lively also provides expanded view functionality with much more information than appears in an on-screen report.
Nonprofits have two choices of formats when viewing this additional information (beyond what is displayed in an on-screen report):
- a CSV download (“Line Item” reports only) – learn more about CSV report downloads
- an expanded view of each line item (see below).
Access to the expanded view
To see the expanded view of any line item in an on-screen donor data report:
- Log in to the Nonprofit Admin Portal.
- Click on "Data Reports" and then select any report in the left-hand navigation bar.
- Use the search tool at the top of the report to jump to an Email, Order ID, Full Name or other filters. Learn what information is included in the on-screen report.
- Click anywhere on any line item to open a new page with the expanded view of additional information about a line item.
Details of the expanded view
The data on display is organized into sub-sections. All data mentioned below is described more fully here.
Line Item
This section brings together the unique alphanumeric identifiers associated with the line item.

- Sf Opportunity Id
- Line Item Id
- Order Id
This section contains basic information about the payment. In all cases, the identified timezone is the one associated with the nonprofit. UTC timezone is the default unless the nonprofit's address is specified by the IRS databases we reference; Give Lively member nonprofits may also set a definitive timezone in the basic information section of the Core Profile.

- Full Name
- Net Amount
- Order Date (timezone)
- Receipt Sent Date (timezone)
- Payment Status
- Payment Platform Donation Date (timezone)
- Dedication Name
- Dedication Type
This section displays the donor’s contact information.

- Full Name
- Donor Mailing Address
- Donor Billing Zip Code
- Donor Billing Country
- Donor Phone Number
Additional Details
This section looks at more detail about the donor and transaction.

Anonymity setting
Donors are able to make their donations anonymous to the public on Core Profile fundraising pages and Campaign Pages, if the option is turned on. This setting can be changed here for individual donations, regardless of the master setting, but only at a donor’s request.
- Click the “Edit Additional Details” button.
- Check or uncheck the “Anonymous to Public” box.
- Select “Save” to confirm the change.
Payment Details
This section carries significantly more detail about the transaction.

- Gross Amount
- Transaction Fee Amount
- Covered Transaction Fee Amount
- Fractional Disbursement Fee
- Refund Status
- Total Refunded Amount
- Net Amount
- Payment Method
- Subscription Item Id
- Frequency
- Payment Succeeded Date (timezone): The timezone is the one associated with the nonprofit. UTC timezone is the default unless the nonprofit's address is specified by the IRS databases we reference; Give Lively member nonprofits may also set a definitive timezone in the basic information section of the Core Profile.
- Payment Platform Subscription Id
This section shares unique alphanumeric identifiers associated with the disbursement of the donation. There are three possible screens, although only one will be visible for each donation:

Direct Disbursement
This will appear if the donation was disbursed through Stripe or Paypal, directly from a donor to a Give Lively member nonprofit (via a Give Lively-powered donation page).
- Give Lively Charge Id
- Payment Platform Charge Id
This will appear if the donation was disbursed via check from Give Lively to a nonprofit (only used for Giving Basket donations).

- Check Number
- Mailing Address
- Disbursement Fee
- Check Amount
- Mailing Status
- Check Sent Date (timezone)
- Voided Date (timezone)
This will appear if the donation was disbursed by Stripe transfer from Give Lively to a nonprofit (only used for Giving Basket donations).

- Payment Platform Transfer ID
- Transfer Date (timezone)
- Amount
- Amount Reversed
- Disbursement Account ID
- Transfer Status
Page and Referral Information
This section includes details about the fundraising tool and page from which the payment originated.

- Text Code Used
- Referrer URL
- Widget Type
- Widget URL
- Page URL
- UTM Source
- Page Type
- Page Slug
- Page Name
- Internal Name
- Team Name
- Double the Donation Submission