Explore the donor data available for member nonprofits
Learn what donor data is available for member nonprofits.
Before you get started
Video Overview
Before you get started
Video Overview
Before you get started
Video Overview
Before You Get Started
Video Overview
Introducing a new report and CSV
In the spring of 2023, we began rolling out a powerful new way for Give Lively member nonprofits to access their donor data: a report called “Line Items (All),” found in the Reports Portal via a “Data Reports” link in a relaunched Nonprofit Admin Portal.
The “Line Items (All)” report comprises two levels of data:
- an on-screen report with basic information
- an expanded, restructured, comprehensive CSV file (a plain text “comma-separated values” file) that can be downloaded from the Reports Portal and includes donor data from all Give Lively products – Core Profile, Campaign Pages, Event Ticketing pages, Peer-to-Peer Fundraising and Team Fundraising pages, as well as donations received through Charity Navigator’s Giving Basket.
At its core, the new “Line Items (All)” report provides the data nonprofits are familiar with. However, the CSV contains lots of new data and has been restructured with new column headers.
Lots of time to adjust
The rollout started with a limited number of nonprofits that volunteered to work with us while the features were still in a closed beta. We have now opened the beta to all. This is in keeping with our approach to any new functionality: We establish best outcomes in collaboration with a few nonprofits before expanding the circle of users to more, and eventually all, of our members.
With our “Line Items (All)” report in place, by early 2025 we intend to bid adieu to the old donor data CSVs downloadable through the Nonprofit Admin Portal.
The long delay between introducing the new data tools and phasing out the old is to allow nonprofits time to become familiar with:
- the updated CSV column headers – see this associated article
- the data in the expanded CSV
- the navigation in the Nonprofit Admin Portal
- the location of the on-screen report (via the “Data Reports” link) using the navigation in the Nonprofit Admin Portal
- the locations of the CSV download buttons in the Reports Portal.
Importantly, it also leaves plenty of opportunity for updates to third-party systems using this data.
Navigating the new environment
Nonprofits now see a “Data Reports” link in the left-hand navigation of the Nonprofit Admin Portal with “Line Items (All)” appearing as a dropdown menu item. Additionally, nonprofits that have received donations through the Giving Basket will see menu items for some combination of three other on-screen reports – “Line Items (Giving Basket)”, “Transfers” and “Checks”.
Downloading CSV data exports
For data downloads during the transitional period, different data will be retrieved depending on where the data is pulled from. Learn more about how to download donor data from Nonprofit Admin Portal.
“Export Donor Data” tool on the Nonprofit Admin Portal main dashboard
Data continues to be available as downloadable CSVs via the "Export Donor Data" feature on the main dashboard and any home dashboard for a campaign. These CSVs carry the usual data in the usual format, i.e. data that does not include the new data points in the new “Line Items (All)” reporting tools. These CSV download features will remain in place until early 2025.
“Export CSV” tool in the Reports Portal
Users now also have access to on-screen reports and an “Export CSV” feature via those reports in the Reports Portal. These CSVs carry the comprehensive data in the expanded, restructured format.
On-screen reports
Two helpful notes:
- Clicking on any line in the on-screen reports reveals more information about an item. Explore the expanded view of on-screen data reports in the Nonprofit Admin Portal.
- The default date range is the past three months. To view data from other periods, adjust the date filters and click "Apply".
Line Items (All) on-screen report
To see summary on-screen donor data, log in to the Nonprofit Admin Portal and click on "Data Reports" and then "Line Items (All)” in the left-hand navigation bar. The data on display is as shown blow (from left to right). You can also use the search tool at the top of the report to jump to an Email, Order ID, Full Name, Check Number, Page Type, Page Name or Line Item ID.
- Order Date (timezone) — date and time of the donation: UTC timezone is the default unless an address is specified by the IRS databases we reference; Give Lively member nonprofits may also set a definitive timezone in the basic information section of the Core Profile
- Full Name — donor’s full name, when not anonymous
- Email — donor’s email address, when not anonymous
- Frequency — frequency of “Gross Amount” payment, either “one-time” or “monthly”
- Gross Amount — total amount, including the payment processing fee if the donor has chosen to cover it
- Net Amount — net amount, a calculation of: “Gross Amount” minus “Transaction Fee Amount” (see CSV) minus “Fractional Disbursement Fees” (see CSV) minus “Total Refunded Amount” (see CSV)
- Page Name — name of the fundraising page as displayed publicly
- Page Type — type of fundraising page where the payment was made: “Campaign” (Campaign Page -- see helpful note below about custom questions), “Event” (Event Fundraising page -- see helpful note below), “Fundraiser” (Peer-to-Peer Fundraising page), “Team” (Team Fundraising page) or “Nonprofit” (Core Profile)
- Order ID — unique alphanumeric identifier for the checkout order. For Giving Basket donations, Order ID may contain multiple recurring donations.
Giving Basket on-screen reports
Nonprofits that have received donations through Charity Navigator's Giving Basket, powered by Give Lively, will also see menu items for three other on-screen reports:
- Line Items (Giving Basket)
- Transfers
- Checks
Learn about these three reports.
Downloadable Line Items (All) CSV report
To download a comprehensive CSV file of donor data, log in to the Nonprofit Admin Portal. Click the “Data Reports” link in the left-hand navigation bar and then select “Line Items (All)”. Reminder: The default date range is the past three months, but data from other periods can be viewed by adjusting the date filters and clicking “Apply”. Then click “Export CSV” to download the data, which will be delivered by email.
The downloadable CSV contains all the information for the selected date range in the “Line Items (All)” on-screen report plus a whole lot more. If a selected date range does not include any data, you will see an alert. If you're confident that there should be data, double-check the selected date range and try again. If the system returns the same alert, contact our support team.
The data contained in the CSV is as follows, following the order of the columns from left to right:
- Line Item ID — unique alphanumeric identifier for a single line item in an order -- see helpful notes below
- Order ID — The unique alphanumeric identifier for the checkout order -- see helpful notes below. For Giving Basket donations, Order ID may contain multiple recurring donations.
- Order Date (timezone) — date and time of the order: UTC timezone is the default unless an address is specified by the IRS databases we reference; Give Lively member nonprofits may also set a definitive timezone in the basic information section of the Core Profile
- Full Name — donor’s full name, when not anonymous
- First Name — donor’s first name, when not anonymous
- Last Name — donor’s last name, when not anonymous
- Email — donor’s email address, when not anonymous
- Original Amount — amount added to cart before optional “Covered Transaction Fee”
- Covered Transaction Fee Amount — additional amount added to cart to pay for “Transaction Fee Amount” if the donor has chosen to cover it
- Gross Amount — total amount, including the “Original Amount” plus “Covered Transaction Fee” if the donor has chosen to cover it
- Transaction Fee Amount — transaction fee charged by third-party payment processor (Stripe/PayPal)
- Fractional Disbursement Fee — The portion of disbursement fees applied to a line item (Giving Basket donations only). The $0.97 per check processing fee is applied proportionally across all donations included in any monthly lump-sum check. Checks with more than 97 line items will see $0.00 disbursement fees after the 97th line item.
- Total Refunded Amount — total amount refunded on this specific line item
- Net Amount — net amount, a calculation of: “Gross Amount” minus “Transaction Fee Amount” minus "Fractional Disbursement Fee" minus “Total Refunded Amount”
- Frequency — frequency of “Gross Amount” payment, either “one-time” or “monthly”
- Anonymous to Public — anonymous donations are labeled "true" and donations with an identified donor are "false"
- Dedication Name — name of person to whom donation is dedicated
- Dedication Type — type of dedication, either “in honor” or “in memory”
- Receipt Sent Date (timezone) — date the receipt was sent to the donor (or most recent receipt, if updates were made): UTC timezone is the default unless an address is specified by the IRS databases we reference; Give Lively member nonprofits may also set a definitive timezone in the basic information section of the Core Profile
- Payment Status — The status of the payment: “succeeded,” “pending” or “refunded”. The payment is marked “refunded” if it has been fully refunded.
- Payment Method — Method of payment: “card”, “bank”, “google pay”, “paypal”, “venmo” or “apple pay”.
- Payment Processor — processor of the payment (Stripe/PayPal)
- Payment Platform Donation Date (timezone) — date the payment was captured by the payment processor (Stripe/PayPal): UTC timezone is the default unless an address is specified by the IRS databases we reference; Give Lively member nonprofits may also set a definitive timezone in the basic information section of the Core Profile
- Payment Platform Charge ID — The unique identifier of the charge in the respective payment processor (Stripe/PayPal). Only visible for charges made directly to connected accounts, not Giving Basket donations disbursed by check.
- Give Lively Charge ID — unique identifier for the donor’s payment in Give Lively’s system
- Subscription Item ID — unique alphanumeric identifier for a specific recurring line item payment
- Subscription ID — Unique alphanumeric identifier for a subscription order. For Giving Basket donations, Subscription ID may contain multiple recurring donations.
- Payment Platform Subscription ID — The unique identifier of the subscription in the respective payment processor (Stripe/PayPal). Only visible for subscriptions made directly to connected accounts, not Giving Basket subscriptions.
- Donor Mailing Address — donor’s full mailing address, when not anonymous
- Donor Mailing Street (line 1) — donor’s street address, when not anonymous
- Donor Mailing Street (line 2) — optional second line of donor’s street address, when not anonymous
- Donor Mailing City — donor’s city, when not anonymous
- Donor Mailing State — donor’s state, when not anonymous
- Donor Mailing Zip Code — donor’s zip code, when not anonymous
- Donor Mailing Country — donor’s country, when not anonymous
- Donor Billing Zip Code — donor’s zip code, when not anonymous
- Donor Billing Country — donor’s country, when not anonymous
- Donor Phone Number — donor’s phone number, captured during payment via a Phone Number question, or through our Text-to-Donate product, when not anonymous
- Lead Source — indicates the primary platform of the payment: either “Give Lively LLC” or, for Giving Basket donations, “Charity Navigator”
- Internal Name — Campaign name as it appears in the Nonprofit Admin Portal. This will be used internally and not made public.
- Page Name — name of the fundraising page as displayed publicly
- Page Type — type of fundraising page where the payment was made: “Campaign” (Campaign Page -- see helpful note below about custom questions), “Event” (Event Fundraising page -- see helpful note below), “Fundraiser” (Peer-to-Peer Fundraising page), “Team” (Team Fundraising page) or “Nonprofit” (Core Profile)
- Page URL — URL of the fundraising page where the payment was made
- Page Slug — part of the “Page URL” (see above) that identifies a particular fundraising page on a website
- Referrer URL — URL of the webpage from which the donor came prior to landing on the webpage through which the payment was made
- UTM Source — UTM code that identifies the platform or website where a clicked link was located, such as Facebook, Google, an email, a newsletter, a blog or other custom entries
- Text Code Used — text code associated with the payment (only for Text-to-Donate payments)
- Team Name — name of the team associated with this payment (only applies if payment was made to a fundraiser on a team or directly on a Team Fundraising page)
- Widget Type — type of Donation Widget through which the payment was made: “simple_donation” or “branded_donation”
- Widget URL — URL of the webpage in which the Donation Widget was embedded when the payment was made
- Nonprofit ID — ID of the nonprofit this payment is benefitting
- Campaign ID — name of the Campaign Page associated with this payment (this will be blank for Giving Basket line items) -- see helpful note below about custom questions
- Event ID — name of the event associated with this payment (only applies if payment was made directly on an Event Fundraising page; will be blank for Giving Basket line items) -- see helpful notes below
- Team ID — ID of the team this payment is benefitting (only applies if payment was made to a fundraiser on a team or directly on a Team Fundraising page; will be blank for Giving Basket line items)
- Fundraiser ID — ID of the Peer-to-Peer Fundraising page this payment is benefitting (will be blank for Giving Basket line items)
- Giving Basket Hot Topic — special cause for which funds have been earmarked, if designated
- Dispute Date (timezone) — time that a dispute was initiated by the donor: UTC timezone is the default unless an address is specified by the IRS databases we reference; Give Lively member nonprofits may also set a definitive timezone in the basic information section of the Core Profile
- Disputed Amount — amount of this line item being disputed
- Dispute Status — The current status of the donor’s dispute.
(1) If the “Lead Source” for this donation is “Give Lively LLC,” then the donation came through a Give Lively fundraising page and the nonprofit is responsible for reaching a resolution with the donor for this donation dispute.
(2) If the “Lead Source” for this donation is “Charity Navigator,” then the donation was directed to the nonprofit through Charity Navigator’s Giving Basket and Give Lively will pursue a resolution with the donor.
(3) There are many possible dispute statuses, depending on whether the dispute is pending resolution or resolved and in Stripe or PayPal. Learn about the statuses associated with donor payment disputes. - Disbursement Method — How the funds were disbursed. Giving Basket donations will be marked as “Check”, “Transfer” or “Not yet disbursed”. Donations through a Give Lively fundraising page will always be marked “Direct Charge”.
- Disbursement Account ID — account ID to which funds were disbursed in the payment platform (e.g. Stripe)
- Payment Platform Transfer ID — unique alphanumeric identifier of the transfer disbursement (Giving Basket only)
- Transfer Date (timezone) — date the Stripe transfer succeeded (or most recent transfer, if updates were made; Giving Basket only): UTC timezone is the default unless an address is specified by the IRS databases we reference; Give Lively member nonprofits may also set a definitive timezone in the basic information section of the Core Profile
- Transfer Status — Status of transfer disbursement: “succeeded”, “pending”, “failed” or “reversed” (Giving Basket only). “Reversed” denotes when a transfer must be recovered due to an outdated or restricted Stripe account.
- Check Number — number of the disbursement check mailed by the Give Lively Foundation (Giving Basket only)
- Check Sent Date (timezone) — date the disbursement check was mailed (or most recent check, if a replacement is required; Giving Basket only): UTC timezone is the default unless an address is specified by the IRS databases we reference; Give Lively member nonprofits may also set a definitive timezone in the basic information section of the Core Profile
- Recipient Entity Tax ID — The EIN of the organization that received the payment. This can be either the nonprofit or the Give Lively Foundation (which then disburses the funds).
- Recipient Entity Name — The name of the organization that received the payment. This can be either the nonprofit or the Give Lively Foundation (which then disburses the funds).
- Sf Opportunity ID — unique identifier for the opportunity “object” field in Salesforce
- Double the Donation Submission — indicates if donation was synced to Double the Donation, either “True” or “False”
Helpful notes
- For nonprofits using Event Ticketing: Currently, an entire event purchase is represented via one line item in the Line Item (All) report with no additional detail. This is the case even if the purchase comprised tickets across multiple ticket tiers. We have plans to make this detail available, including as multiple line items, in the coming months. In the interim, to see a breakdown of ticket purchases by tier, please download the “Attendee Data” via the event’s home page in the Nonprofit Admin Portal.
- Answers to custom questions are currently not available through this report. They can still be retrieved through the until-now usual CSV downloadable via the Nonprofit Admin Portal.