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Link to any fundraising/event page from call-to-action button on website

Add a link to your fundraising page from a "Donate" or "Get tickets" button on your website, with instructions on how to do so from the most popular website-building services: WordPress, Wix, and SquareSpace.

Before you get started

Video Overview


Before you get started

Video Overview


Before you get started

Video Overview


Before You Get Started

Video Overview

Video Transcript


Linking to your online fundraising or event ticketing page from a call-to-action button (like "Donate" or "Get Tickets") on your website is a no-brainer for nonprofits. It is usually as simple as copying and pasting a URL.

Below are the instructions to follow for the most popular website-building services: WordPress, Wix, and SquareSpace. If you used something else, contact that company and/or work with the member of your team who helped set the site up.

Add a call-to-action button to a WordPress website

If you don't already have a plugin that allow you to add buttons, you will need to install one. We recommend MaxButtons. Using your plugin, make the button title "Donate" and then, in the link field, paste the URL of the page you wish to link to. If you're new to this, click here to learn how to create a button using MaxButtons.

Add a call-to-action button to a Wix website

The process for creating a button or editing a button's link on Wix is fairly straightforward. Click here to visit Wix's FAQ page on creating and editing buttons.

Add a call-to-action button to a Squarespace website

On Squarespace, the process is also straightforward. Their FAQ page on buttons includes a video that will walk you through the whole process.


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