Learn about four nonprofits working to ensure gender equality

Every month in 2024, we are highlighting the work of Give Lively member nonprofits in one category of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals outlined in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015.

The United Nations website states that “the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)... are an urgent call for action by all countries – developed and developing – in a global partnership. They recognize that ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests.”
We find inspiration and insight from these selected nonprofits and hope you do too. Is your nonprofit engaged in similar work? Use the feedback tool at the bottom of this article to tell us about it.

SDG Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

Planned Parenthood Columbia Willamette
This organization is the largest nonprofit family planning and reproductive rights organization in Oregon and Southwest Washington. Planned Parenthood Columbia Willamette (PPCW) is a proud provider of sexual and reproductive health care and sex education. It believes that everyone of all identities and life circumstances deserves access to sexual and reproductive health care, that abortion care is an essential part of comprehensive reproductive healthcare and that education is a vital part of that work. Sex education empowers young people, families and community members with essential life skills, positive attitudes and values needed to realize their health and well-being.
PPCW used the text code "INTHISMOMENT" in coordination with a Give Lively-powered Campaign Page to fundraise over $70,000 for the “PPCW's 2024 Signature Event.”

Population Council
As the world confronts multiple social, economic, political and environmental crises, there is an increasing need for high-quality and clearly communicated evidence to inform smart policies and sound investments. For 70 years, the Population Council has transformed global thinking on critical health and development issues through social science, public health and biomedical research. Population Council takes a multidisciplinary, intergenerational, life-cycle approach that contributes to four global goals, including the connections between them:
- Ensure sexual and reproductive health, rights and choices
- Empower adolescents and young people to reach their full potential
- Achieve gender equality and equity
- Pursue justice in the face of climate and environmental changes
Population Council uses its Give Lively-powered Campaign Page to collect donations through its website.

The Broken Brown Egg, Inc.
This organization exists to inform, empower and advocate for individuals and couples dealing with infertility and reproductive health issues, with an emphasis on the Black experience. The Broken Brown Egg was founded in 2009 by Regina Townsend as a personal blog to document her journey through infertility. From the comments and emails she received, Townsend identified a need for support and inclusion among other Black women facing similar journeys. The Broken Brown Egg has three major targets: Reproductive Justice and Health Equity, The Reproductive Health Careers Pipeline and Empowerment & Community.
The Broken Brown Egg, Inc. uses a Give Lively-powered Branded Donation Widget to collect donations on its website.

Women’s Reproductive Rights Assistance Project
This organization is the largest national, independent, nonprofit abortion fund. Women’s Reproductive Rights Assistance Project (WRRAP) provides urgently needed financial assistance nationwide to individuals seeking abortion services or emergency contraception. It also provides funds directly to pre-screened, pre-qualified health clinics and doctors that serve them. Its highly trained volunteers staff a telephone hotline five days a week, working directly with over 700 clinics, hospitals and doctors across the country, getting funds to women in need. WRRAP is here to help, not judge.
WRRAP has used every one of Give Lively’s digital fundraising tools. Recently, it met its $100,000 fundraising goal for “Empower Access: Double Your Impact with Our Abortion Pill Matching Gift Campaign” using a Give Lively-powered Campaign Page.
The content of this publication has not been approved by the United Nations and does not reflect the views of the United Nations or its officials or Member States.
More nonprofits
Learn about six nonprofits working for women's equality.
Learn about five nonprofits striving for women's equality.
For more in our UN SDG series, see the previous article and the next one.