Is this article for you? It addresses donating through Charity Navigator’s Giving Basket.

How did you get my contact information? How can I change/update it?

This FAQ addresses Give Lively’s role in processing donations through Charity Navigator’s Giving Basket and may not apply to all Give Lively members.

When a contribution to your nonprofit is received via the Giving Basket, we also collect an address through the IRS databases we reference. It is this address to which a check will be mailed, if that is the form of disbursement. 

To update the contact/postal details we have on record for your nonprofit, please check the information registered with the IRS using its Tax Exempt Organization Search Tool. Register any corrections directly with the IRS, especially a change of address.

Note that if you are not a Give Lively member or you are a member with no timezone set through your Give Lively Core Profile, then the mailing address in the IRS databases determines the timezone used when viewing data in the Giving Basket Reports Portal. If you are a Give Lively member and your timezone is set in the Core Profile, then that information will supersede what’s provided by the IRS.

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