What are the fees for international donors?

Stripe accepts international credit cards. Our payment form’s “Card number" field automatically determines a card's billing address country and adjusts the rest of the requested information to accommodate postal codes of different lengths and numeric/alphanumeric codes, or even no code at all. The transaction fees Stripe charges are, however, a little higher than the fees placed on domestic cards: Stripe adds an additional 1% on top of Stripe’s standard nonprofit rates of 2.2% + $.30 for most major credit cards and 3.5% for American Express.

PayPal also accepts international credit cards. Like with Stripe, the transaction fees charged are a bit higher than the fees for using domestic cards: PayPal charges international donations 3.49%, plus a fixed fee based on the currency used.

Only US-based donors can give with Venmo, a payment method available when a nonprofit integrates PayPal with our platform.

Note that, at this time, the ability for donors to cover the fee does not apply to the international currency conversion part of the transaction, so there will be a slight difference between the fee-covered donation sent and the total amount received by the nonprofit.

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