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Fundraising for survival

This well-established nonprofit museum turned to several of our fundraising tools for its survival. What an uplifting response!

About this member

  • Tells the uniquely American stories of immigrants, migrants and refugees in our nation
  • 8,500+ donors as of December 2022
  • $1.35+ million raised with Give Lively as of December 2022

Products they use:

The product-page images shared here are for reference and inspiration only and may not reflect current designs. Interfaces may change as donor experience improvements are made and accessibility is boosted. Some nonprofits may also make custom changes beyond our control.

The mission of the Tenement Museum, located in New York City, is to foster a society that embraces and values the role of immigration in the evolving American identity. This is accomplished through guided tours; curriculum and educational programs; stories, primary sources and media shared on their website; and interactive online experiences. 

After a year and a half using several Give Lively fundraising products, the museum’s team kicked its online appeals into high gear in the spring of 2020 when the pandemic forced the museum to shut its doors, forego critical earned revenue and cancel a vital in-person gala.

Campaign Page anchoring a critical fundraising appeal

At a critical time, the ‘Help The Tenement Museum Survive’ campaign brought in nearly $500,000, helping to keep the museum going through tough times. 

Visit live page here

Event Ticketing page as the registration tool for a virtual gala

The success of the 2020 virtual gala, replacing an in-person one, was followed in 2021 by a 'Rebuild, Retell & Renew’ event, registration for which was handled through this Event Ticketing page and its embedded video.

Visit live page here

Branded Donation Widget used as a website's donation page

In this case, a Branded Donation Widget served as the website's donation page, allowing donors to contribute without leaving the website. The large image drew people in and a broad range of preset donation amounts, as well as a custom option, left room for generosity at all levels. The standard ability to give in honor of someone, social sharing tools and brand-specific design elements like a logo and description were also present.