An update about major improvements to our platform

It’s already November and all eyes are turning to GivingTuesday. Excited about the impact of this day and the season that follows, we want to make sure you’re briefed on our full range of products and newest features.
Because nonprofit passion is the bounce in our step, we’re also including mention of a few major milestones powered by our growing membership of approximately 9,000 nonprofits, and some important reminders and company news.

New for GivingTuesday
Custom Questions
We recently launched our new model for adding custom questions to donation forms. It's a significant expansion of the previous "questions" functionality and one of the most-requested features in user feedback.
Payment improvements
We’ve been busy refining the payment process on our fundraising pages:
- JUST LAUNCHED: PayPal can now be used for monthly recurring payments in addition to one-time
- Apple Pay is available on Branded Donation Widgets
- a variety of upgrades made possible by our new payment form, including
- donors’ ability to cover PayPal payment processing fees
- donors’ ability to make anonymous donations with all payment methods, including Google Pay and Apple Pay
- donations with cents in the custom donation field
Fresh new fundraising page design enhancements
It was high time for a refresh! Changes to our fundraising page and payment form (for now, only on Core Profiles, Campaign Pages and Donation Widgets) include:
- streamlined page creation via one unified Campaign Page template
- customizable suggested donation amounts, with or without impact stories and pictures
- improved accessibility and design for a straightforward donor experience
- expanded page components
- and lots more
Note: While many donation pages had the new updates applied to them today, we will be rolling out these changes to all member nonprofits over the course of this week.

Coming soon
Payment method management
Through the User Portal, we're giving more control to donors over how they process their philanthropy, especially recurring payments. Learn about payment management in the User Portal.
New alternative payment processor (currently in closed beta)
Shift4 offers reduced transaction fees and the possibility of new gift-processing capabilities. Learn about our Shift4 integration.
New payment methods
In the weeks and months ahead, we’ll make it possible for donors to pay via Venmo and donor-advised funds (DAF).
New payment frequencies
In addition to the existing one-time and monthly payments, we’ll be adding quarterly and yearly options.

Did you know?
We have eight fundraising products that function as standalone tools and fit together as a platform. Can you name them all? Try our easy quiz:
- How can you launch beautiful, customized, responsive fundraising pages? See the answer.
- How can you collect donations directly on your website? See the answer.
- How can you encourage secure giving via mobile devices? See the answer.
- How can you sell fundraising event tickets and sponsorships? See the answer.
- How can you track and show donations in nearly real time? See the answer.
- How can you empower supporters to raise money on your behalf? See the answer.
- How can your supporters make collective appeals? See the answer.
- How can you showcase peer-based fundraising activity? See the answer.

Major milestones
$100 million saved from $1 billion raised
In September, we celebrated two of our most significant milestones: We estimate that we've saved the nonprofit community at least $100 million in tech expenses on $1 billion raised since our start in 2015.
1,000 nonprofits using Salesforce integration
In October, Give Lively registered the 1,000th member nonprofit using our free Salesforce integration, a five-star, NPSP-compatible native integration that automatically syncs Give Lively data to Salesforce on an hourly basis.
100,000 customer support conversations
Our customer support team hit another milestone in October: 100,000 “conversations,” or start-to-finish chats and emails initiated by member nonprofits or their donors. In light of these successes, we’re lowering our target response time from four hours to two hours, during normal operating hours.

Important reminders
Time-tested new payment form and data management
In 2023, we started rolling out a new payment form built to work with our upgraded data reporting and management system. The rollout currently covers all Core Profiles and Campaign Pages, as well as Peer-to-Peer Fundraising pages that are not associated with a team. Over the next few months, we will include Event Ticketing and Team Fundraising.
Website refresh
Our website is in constant motion. In addition to regular news articles appearing on our Updates page, the whole site has updated navigation and strapping new graphics.
Fundraising law shake-up
California’s push this year to bring transparency and accountability in online charitable fundraising has been deeply frustrating to all of us. We have worked to systematize what happens when a nonprofit is identified as “delinquent,” “revoked” or shows an indeterminate tax-exempt status.

Company updates
Expanded membership eligibility
Give Lively membership is now open to more 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organizations, including both public charities and private operating foundations.
Impressive NPS score
We feel good about our Net Promoter Score. It is reaffirming – that our mission, values and products are serving the needs of our users.
DEI, sustainability and accessibility
As Give Lively and as individual employees, we support all people and the health of our one and only planet.
New outreach methods
We are using new tools to share information. Keep an eye out for banners, chat messages and information pop-ups in our secure portals.